Clothing, an innovative duo comprised of Aakaash Israni and Ben Sterling, have released their latest track, ‘Modern Interiors’. Musically, it’s a complex effort, with layers of dense sound combining with a restless, razor-sharp production style to form something that feels much more experimental than its pop-adjacent accessibility would initially suggest. The pair have teamed up with Grammy-winning vocalist Anna Wise, who provides a dynamic vocal that glides melodically above their musical bed. On the track’s lyrics, they say: “The lyric is about the push and pull of everything, the ‘I need you / I don’t need you’ inside of almost everything. It’s such a human state of mind, but also so obviously reflected back to us in nature and especially (at least for the purposes of this song!) the ocean.” Details of Clothing’s debut album will be coming later in the year. -Dan Peeke
